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competition rules
Phlog It rules
Competition Winners
The aim of Club Competitions is to encourage club members to share their collecting interests in a competitive, but friendly, atmosphere. In addition it is hoped that this will enable us all to increase our knowledge of philately and even be prepared to enter official competitions, such as those held by the Hampshire and Thames Valley Federations each year.

To enable members to determine their preferred level of competing the competitions are graded at three levels:-

Entry level - for those new to competing

Intermediate level - for those wishing to compete at a slightly more advanced level

Advanced level - for those who wish to compete at the top level and, perhaps, aspire to take part in Federation competitions.

In addition there will be an extra trophy (The Society Trophy) awarded to the best 16-page entry from the Jubilee Cup and the Reg Rhodes Shield as long as it achieves an average score of at least 75%.
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